Transforming Futures: Empowering Guatemala's Youth Through Education and Opportunity

Discover how Asociación Grupo Ceiba is transforming lives in Guatemala City by equipping vulnerable youth with the skills and opportunities they need to secure brighter futures.

July 24, 2024

In Guatemala, violence is a constant threat to the population’s ability to develop to its full potential. Young people living on the margins of society are disproportionately affected, in part, due to a lack of educational and professional opportunities. In the face of these significant challenges, Asociación Grupo Ceiba emerged as a beacon of hope. For over three decades, Grupo Ceiba has served as a safe space for marginalized and vulnerable youth, empowering thousands of young people with a path of profound transformation through training across dozens of Centers for Human and Technological Development.

Amidst these harsh realities, Grupo Ceiba offers a new path of opportunities. At these centers, students can complete their primary through high school studies through a flexible, hybrid education methodology, and can choose from a series of technical courses focusing on high-demand technological skills to complement their education.

With the support of PriceSmart Foundation, Grupo Ceiba has launched an ambitious program to equip 250 young people with essential tools and soft skills to improve their ability to land gainful employment opportunities.

The workforce preparation program enables students to receive comprehensive training covering labor rights, career guidance, and assistance in writing their first resume. Each young person receives personalized attention to identify their skills, interests, and needs, ensuring effective preparation to enter the labor market. Graduates benefit from practice job interviews and attending job fairs, and many participants have reported increased self-esteem from speaking with potential employers.

Marco Castillo, Executive Director of Asociación Grupo Ceiba, shared that the young people at Ceiba can’t wait to start working. The simple fact that they are provided with an opportunity to earn a decent and honest living is in itself a dream come true. Through the PriceSmart Foundation grant, Grupo Ceiba has created a job placement team in Guatemala City to engage with local companies and organizations to identify job opportunities that align with each participant's profile and aspirations. Once placed in jobs, members of the Ceiba team visit participants at their workplace and provide ongoing mentoring to ensure a successful transition to formal employment.

19-year-old Anderson Ortiz has worked to make ends meet as a shoemaker in one of Guatemala City’s most high-risk communities. Since his arrival to Grupo Ceiba, he has completed his high school degree and is enhancing his digital skills in programming and graphic design.  He is now participating in the job placement program and hopes to later go to university to study business administration and improve his future job prospects.

Anderson admitted:

“I was initially nervous about creating my first CV, searching for a job, and attending job fairs. However, my experience with Grupo Ceiba and the job placement staff’s ongoing support is helping improve my confidence and skills to find a job.”

We’re excited to follow and share the stories of Anderson and his classmates as they continue to develop new skills, which will propel each participant to secure gainful employment.


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